Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Unique way to Stop Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit. I think we all agree to this. In addition to self harm, smoking can also harm people's health - the people around us. in Indonesia, and even some city governments to apply rules that forbid anyone to smoke in public places. Those who are caught smoking public places will be fined not less.
In this article I will tell you about a unique way to quit smoking. Ways in which Aunt to stop smoking uncle. My uncle was a heavy smoker. A day he could spend 5 packs of cigarettes. The whole family did not like the habit. One day my uncle left his favorite cigarette packs in the living room and Aunt who is none other than my uncle's wife found him and gave it to the neighbors.
When the uncle asked her where his favorite cigarettes, aunt told that he has given cigarettes to the neighbors. And so on every uncle bought cigarettes aunt gave it to neighbors. Until finally Uncle stopped buying cigarettes because aunt was always gave it to the neighbors. And Uncle stopped smoking.
In addition to the unique story above I will also give you tips and tricks to stop smoking. The tips and tricks are:
1. Analysis Habits
Perform analysis of smoking habits that has been done so far. For example:
* When the time you linked to smoking
* When do you automatically want to smoke
Most people feel like smoking after eating. Even there is a saying says do not smoke after eating it was like not return after being struck by the Chinese.
The results of this analysis will assist in breaking the desire to smoke.
2. Compile List of Reasons to Stop Smoking
Do all the things that make you not resumed smoking. Always remember the reasons that underlie you to not smoke. You can list the reasons.
* Avoiding cancer, heart failure, gastrointestinal disorders
* Social life better
* Remember the health and interests of the child / family
* Eat better
this list will always remind you of motivation to quit smoking.
3. Jump Stop
Pick a day where you will stop. And on that day, immediately stop completely without doing the stages. Announce your plan to people close to you so that they can help.
Do not stop little by little. Jump Stop.
4. Beware the Early Days
the early days will feel very heavy. Try to distract him eat candy or sugarless gum. Temporarily reduce the activity related to smoking, such as going to the bar.
5. Enjoy Life
Money that should be used to purchase cigarettes could be used to buy gifts for themselves, such as buying books, buying tapes, movies, and other fun stuff.
6. Low Calorie Consumption
During the first weeks (up to approximately four weeks), eat foods low in calories. Also drink plenty of water.

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